
Today we start our Blue Day/White Day Schedule. You will receive assignments from Blue Day Classes today (4/13) and for White Day Classes on Tuesday (4/14). This will continue until further notice.

Lesson 3.2 – Attacks from the Net

  • Activity 3.3.2 Analyzing Control Messages (2 Days)
  • Activity 3.3.3 Analyzing Packet Fragmentation (2 Days)
  • Activity 3.3.4 Analyzing Wireless Authentication (2 Days)
  • Project 3.3.5 Analyzing the Attack (4 Days)

ASSIGNMENT (DUE TODAY): Activity 3.3.3 – Analyzing Packet Fragmentation

We are going to try a different approach to this. I would like you to complete Activity 3.3.3 – Analyzing Control Messages (Due on Tuesday of Next Week). The difference is that you will be creating a google document and doing your best to answer all parts responsible for in the activity. It will be graded based on completion of all parts that are required. Please do you best. If you have any questions, shoot me an email. I’m finally feeling better.