We will continue with our google site we created. Today we will create the content for the GOALS page.
Please do me a favor and delete the People Page from the site. I messed up and had you add them to your moments page. Sorry!
- Banner and Navigation – This should remain the same for all pages of the site.
- Section #2 – Use any of the Google Sites Inputs to add 3 Goals you have during High School. Please include an image, your goal, and a description of your goals for High School.
- Section #3 – Use any of the Google Sites Inputs to add 3 Goals you have during College Years or from 18 to 24 years of age. Please include an image, your goal, and a description of your goals for this time.
- Section #4 – Use any of the Google Sites Inputs to add 3 Goals you have during your Adult Years. Please include an image, your goal, and a description of your goals for your adult years.
- Section #5 – Use this section to provide your #1 goal in life and provide a explanation for why this is your #1 goal and what it is.
Once you have the page complete you can complete settings to publish and share with my email address. You can make it public or just share with me. We will continue to build on the site each day. I will grade based on all information included and a little on quality of design. One thing about web design is the number of options for building a site.
Please do NOT complete any other pages as you do not have the instructions or content needed.